Center for Complex Hydrosystems Research Publications Archive

Articles from the center, those using its research, and faculty associated with the center.

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Evaluating the portability of satellite derived chlorophyll-a algorithms for temperate inland lakes using airborne hyperspectral imagery and dense surface observations   /   Publication

Johansen, R., Beck, R., Nowosad, J., Nietch, C., Xu, M., Shu, S., Yang, B., Liu, H., Emery, E., Reif, M. and Harwood, J., 2018. Evaluating the portability of satellite derived chlorophyll-a algorithms for temperate inland lakes using airborne hyperspectral imagery and dense surface observations. Harmful Algae, 76, pp.35-46.

Decision-Tree, Rule-Based, and Random Forest Classification of High-Resolution Multispectral Imagery for Wetland Mapping and Inventory   /   Publication

Berhane, T.M., Lane, C.R., Wu, Q., Autrey, B.C., Anenkhonov, O.A., Chepinoga, V.V. and Liu, H., 2018. Decision-Tree, Rule-Based, and Random Forest Classification of High-Resolution Multispectral Imagery for Wetland Mapping and Inventory. Remote Sensing, 10(4), p.580.

Data Driven Model Uncertainty Estimation in Data Assimilation   /   Publication

Pathiraja, S., H. Moradkhani, L. Marshall, A. Sharma, G, Geenens (2018), Data Driven Model Uncertainty Estimation in Data Assimilation, Water Resources Research, doi: 10.1002/2018WR022627.

Comparative Analysis of Inundation Mapping Approaches for the 2016 Flood in the Brazos River, Texas   /   Publication

Zhang, J., Y. Huang, D. Munasinghe, Z. Fang, Y. Tsang, and S. Cohen (2018), Comparative Analysis of Inundation Mapping Approaches for the 2016 Flood in the Brazos River, TexasJournal of the American Water Resources Association54 (4), 820–833. 

Apprehensive Drought Characteristics over Iraq: Results of a Multidecadal Spatiotemporal Assessment   /   Publication

Hameed, M., A. Ahmadalipour, H. Moradkhani (2018), Apprehensive Drought Characteristics over Iraq: Results of a Multidecadal Spatiotemporal Assessment, Geosciences, Special Issue Drought Monitoring and Prediction, 8, 8, 58.

Integrating global sensitivity approaches to deconstruct spatial and temporal sensitivities of complex spatial agent-based models   /   Publication

Magliocca, N.R., McConnell, V., and Walls, M. (2018). Integrating global sensitivity approaches to deconstruct spatial and temporal sensitivities of complex spatial agent-based models. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 21(1). DOI: 10.18564/jasss.3625.

Improving MODIS snow products with a HMRF-based spatio-temporal modeling technique in the Upper Rio Grande Basin   /   Publication

Huang, Y., Liu, H., Yu, B., Wu, J., Kang, E.L., Xu, M., Wang, S., Klein, A. and Chen, Y., 2018. Improving MODIS snow products with a HMRF-based spatio-temporal modeling technique in the Upper Rio Grande Basin. Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 204, January 2018, Pages 568-582.

Evolving the Anthropocene: Linking multi-level selection with long-term social-ecological change   /   Publication

Ellis, E.C., Magliocca, N.R., Stevens. C.J., and Fuller, D.Q. (2018). Evolving the Anthropocene: Linking multi-level selection with long-term social-ecological change. Sustainability Science. DOI: 10.1007/s11625-017-0513-6

Enhancing Hydrologic Data Assimilation by Evolutionary Particle Filter and Markov Chain Monte Carlo   /   Publication

Abbaszadeh, P., H. Moradkhani, and H. Yan (2018), Enhancing Hydrologic Data Assimilation by Evolutionary Particle Filter and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Advances in Water Resources, 111, 192-204, doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2017.11.011.

A Bayesian hierarchical approach to multivariate nonstationary hydrologic frequency analysis   /   Publication

Bracken, C., K.D. Holman, B. Rajagopalan, and H. Moradkhani (2018), A Bayesian hierarchical approach to multivariate nonstationary hydrologic frequency analysis Water Resources Research, doi: 10.1002/2017WR020403.

Estimating Floodwater Depths from Flood Inundation Maps and Topography   /   Publication

Cohen, S., G. R. Brakenridge, A. Kettner, B. Bates, J. Nelson, R. McDonald, Y. Huang, D. Munasinghe, and J. Zhang (2018), Estimating Floodwater Depths from Flood Inundation Maps and TopographyJournal of the American Water Resources Association, 54 (4), 847–858.

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